Thursday, July 9, 2009

Through the Darkness...

I have been in a funk, lately... I know what you're thinking, "You're always in a funk, E." Nah, but this is a different type of funk. I'm not sure how long it's been here, but it's come to a head this week. It's one of those illness-causing, constant headache producing, permanent smile upside down seeking, weight gain mandatory funks. & to spare myself the pity party, I won't go into detail on what could be the cause of the funk... I'm not even sure. But, I think it's just normal life stuff. & as I mature, I am realizing that the best way out of any funk is production... being productive. It's so easy to get caught up in a mood & wallow, but it's the worst thing, EVER. So, I'm glad that I'm learning to push through the bullshit & as I love to say, "keep it moving."

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