Sunday, April 12, 2009


I think I've used this title before, but o well... I guess I'm feeling that way again.

I am angry. I am hating love. I am completely upset & disgusted w/ love. It's not beautiful. It's not anything that resembles positive thoughts. It's horrible. & when I feel this way, is when I truly believe & feel comfy w/ the fact that I will be single for the rest of my life.

Sorry to be negative... not really, but I don't believe that there is this 1 right person for you, or as so many like to call "the one." Doesn't exist in my world. I believe that there is 1, maybe 2, in your lifetime that you wil deem as a person that you will sacrifice for; sacrifice everything that you believe in, but is this person always right for you... hardly. is this the one that you will spend most of your life trying to find... of course.

I had a lot to say... most of it probably not good. But, love... what does it really mean??? Not a got-damn thing. & I'm starting to believe that my life's purpose is not to find, but just give it when I can... so, F falling in love w/ a big ass capital letter!

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