Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What If...

I suppose I'm what you would call "spoiled;" a little ungrateful even... however, the older I get, the more tired I become of chasing "things." I'm getting tired of working to have "things." I realize that we all need some things to survive, but I think we've confused these things w/ the things that we desire... we've confused the necessary things w/ the things that we lust after... & here I am @ a point in my life where I've decided that I need to acquire more education & I'm not sure if it's so that I can acquire more things or if it's so that I can finally start fulfilling my purpose... maybe, a little of both, but I'm praying that it's more of the latter... b/c above all, I'm tired of chasing, desiring, & being defined by "things."

All of that got me to thinking about the "haves" & the "have nots," & how there should be a balance w/in these categories of people...

What if the people w/in these two categories had to switch places ever so often... like 10 years... that seems a little harsh, but still... wouldn't this force people to be grateful for what they have. & wouldn't this give an opportunity to the people that may never have anything... I know, I know... that's what charities & non-profit organizations are for, but it's not the same. I think those that "have" should experience a few moments in their life when they don't have. I think this is the reason that so many wealthy children are so lost & destructive... they spend so much time trying to find fulfillment; & usually, the only place that they know to look, usually houses some sort of material thing.

I've discovered that I'm unimpressed w/ most "things." & I believe that this gets confused w/ lack of gratitude... maybe, it is to some extent. Don't get me wrong, I love to shop & look nice, but most everything else, I could do w/o. & I've grown so accustomed to having certain things that acquiring them has become more of a habit than an enjoyment... which probably also explains the lack of gratitude.

This sounds like a simple problem to solve... & maybe it is... I just hope that I can spend most of my life giving back to people, as much as I've received, b/c I certainly don't want a life that's only filled w/ "things."

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