Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When I Grow Up

When is it time to let go of your dreams?

Earlier, I was trying to determine what I wanted to be when I grew up... the only thing I could recall was fashion designing.

Most of my astrology readings say that I'm a dreamer... I've realized that the fashion designing thing was just that. I went thru a few hoops to try to get there, but unlike those that truly grab hold & never let go of their dream, I nursed my dream w/ the detached love of a stepmother to a stepchild. It was nothing more than chemical reactions in my brain, making me feel good; making me believe that I could be this thing that I'd never even trained to be; that I'd never sacrificed for. Most important, I didn't know how to draw, not to mention, sew. So, as the clock ticked, my dream lay dormant, as I aimlessly navigated thru most of my years in school.

Now, though I still have love for fashion & those that truly have the "gift," I find that its superficial make-up doesn't speak to my spirit. So, in essence, that leaves me dreamless.

I have no dream. I'm Martin's nemesis. That's a bit dramatic, but it sounds so poetic!

But, the truth is, as I grow, I no longer feel lost, I am no longer attached to dreams... I am not my dreams. So, there is no regret for failed manifestation.

So, what were/are your dreams?

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