Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who is your God?

This would come on a Sunday morning....

I recently had a reading affair with Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler, which is about a young black girl's quest to find a better life in the late 2020's, & to create a new religion called Earthseed, that is based on the concept that "God is change."

I found it extremely easy to get caught up in this mythical religion; however, as my mind has had time to settle the knowledge attained from this book & others, & from my own perceptions, I wonder who my God is, & do I really want to define Him. I'm quickly learning that my God may not be the God in the Bible. My God isn't Buddha or the Virgin Mary. As a matter of fact, I don't think my God wants me to define him b/c if I tried, I wouldn't understand Him; moreover, I would belittle His existence.

The truth is that, I see my God in all religions; I see myself in all religions b/c my God resides w/in me; He is me & I am Him.

It's very hard to not have this conversation w/ most people, & to not get angry @ Sunday sermons... I find most churches today completely spiritually-defeating & co-dependent. We are told when & how to praise. We are made to believe that our bad decisions are caused by "the devil." True enough, some of us need this type of structure; however, that should not cause us to ridicule & reject those that don't; those that are able to tap into their spirit w/o rehearsed assistance; those that feel God's presence more on a daily basis, than on Sunday.

What would happen if church stopped being held on Sunday?? What if it were held on a different day each week?? Would we become more conscious of our daily behavior, & stop saving Sunday as our "holy day?" Could we possibly become more in tune w/ the spirit that resides in us daily?

God is change. God is love... God is everything.

Each day is new, each moment is opportunity, each person is God. -EKM

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