Thursday, January 14, 2010

Go for Broke

The new year always inspires me, & gives me a new found hope & energy. Though, I severely disdain resolutions, I unintentionally end up w/ a few... I'd rather refer to them as goals, though.

For the past couple years, I've always found more time to spend on this space @ the beginning of the year, only to become completely m.i.a by mid-year. There are a few other repeat offenses, but the most notable & nerve-wrecking one is my finances.

Each year, I begin w/ an annual budget, only to see it blown each month. In 2009, I finally learned how to deny my thirst for shopping. However, there were so many other things that replaced that thirst, & what extra income I would've had... for example, bills, bills, & more bills. 2009 was the year of emergencies. I didn't have many, but usually couldn't afford to cover the ones that I did have. I got behind in just about all of my financial obligations @ one point or another; & most times, for no other reason than mismanaging my income.

This year has been no different... I ended 2009 w/ a minor car accident, which seems to have spilled over into this year b/c now my car's engine has failed, & I believe that this was caused by the accident.

But, I'd like to dig myself out of the perpetual whole that was 2009, & that has been most of my life. I'd also like to close the chapter on living "check to check." It's no fun, & it is the most... the only... depressing aspect of my young life. More than ever, I'd like to see my emergency fund & savings materialize.

Have I made some poor choices this year, thus far... a few... but, I pray that they don't snowball into the rest of the year.

This accomplishment isn't about 2009 or 2010... it's about the rest of my life.

Perhaps, I will kill two birds w/ one stone & use this space to chronicle my financial journey.

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